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High Treasury Yields, Soaring Deficit: A Recipe for Disaster?

CAP STRAT’s Mike Warford, CFA, and Mike Rarey, CFA, dive into the pressing issue of soaring U.S. deficits and Treasury yields to uncover whether they truly threaten the U.S. economy.

In this Deep Dive, they break down the numbers and explore the broader implications for investors and the economy:

U.S. fiscal deficits on an unsustainable path: will there be consequences in 2025?
Is the U.S. bond market still the cleanest dirty shirt?
How much debt can the U.S. economy really handle?
The Last Minute: Key insights and opportunities for investors

Mike Rarey

Mike Rarey, CFA

Principal, Chief Investment Officer

Mike oversees the firm's investment research and portfolio management and co-heads the CAP STRAT Investment Committee.

Michael Warford

Michael Warford, CFA

Principal, Director of Finance and Administration

Michael oversees the financial initiatives of the Firm and leads day-to-day administrative functions. Michael is also Co-Head of the CAP STRAT Investment Committee with Mike Rarey.